Monday, 18 April 2016


There is more difference within the sexes than between them.

Okay first things first, if you are a douchebag then before you read further please close this tab and go watch Pogo. This post contains MY opinion on feminism since I am allowed to have one. You might find statements here that you may have a very sassy comeback to or would like to contradict with but that is absolutely fine because that is YOUR opnion and you are allowed to have it. 

You may find things here which can seem biased or illogical but to defend those I would like to highlight I am not an expert and I have formed these opinions based on my religion, ethnicity and what I have seen around me. Not unlike most people, I have questions I need answers to from all the "self-proclaimed feminists". Most importantly if I am not pro-feminism it doesn't mean that I am an anti-feminist either. I love what those women are doing out there for themselves and other women in society but I just dislike some of the consequences of their work that are being inflicted on the role of a women as a whole.

First and foremost:  What is feminism?
It encompasses a wide range of social, ideological and political movements that aimed to achieve equal political, social, personal, educational and employment opportunities for women in the society. 

But who is our biggest competition? The one we want to measure upto? 


(Yes I am aware of the fact that besides gender inequality, women suffer from other inequalities based on their race, religion, ethnicity, caste, class, education and so much more.) 

To me it seems like our most common goal is to show the world that not only are females equal to men, they are also better than males. 
Do I support equal pay? 
Do I think women deserve equal opportunities in every area ( be it education or corporate sector) as men? 
Do I think we can be equal to men? 
No ( I am saying men cant be equal to women either)

Now you must be thinking I am an unintelligent ignorant fool with serious conservative inclinations. What would a girl like me know about feminism?
 Well I ask you this then: On what other basis than equal opportunity are we looking for equality in?
 Needless to say that if we could be equal then God wouldn't have created 2 genders. It would have been much easier if he would have created one gender that could have carried out all the different tasks assigned to men and women. 
If we were equal then men could give birth!
They would be able to hold their child inside them for 9 months!
If men and women are equal then why does the society have different labels for people who aren't  heterosexual? 
Men and women are equal right?
So why does it bother people if a guy chooses to be with a guy or a girl with a girl. If we are equal then shouldn't people be able to pick whichever gender they want to be with without dealing with the horrible consequences? What I believe is that men + women= balance. 
Both the genders have traits that the other one cannot measure up to. We need those both traits to create a balance. Even for the lesbian couples who are screaming about feminism all the time, what happens when they wish to have children? 
They need a male donor and vice versa. 

Early marriages.
One of the most common trends in Southeast Asia. Its looked down upon and in some places even mentioning this is a taboo. But I am not talking about  12 year old girls getting married off to 50 year old men or even to boys who are half  their age. Thats another issue in itself entirely.
I am talking about those who get married as soon as they hit the legal age. They are made fun of and looked down upon for having no goal in their life for themselves , choosing to be a house wife instead of a working women and being a typical slave to their husbands and mother-in-laws. However, a few decades later they are highly praised and respected  for taking such good care of their children who grow up to be established Businessmen, Army officers, Doctors and what not. 

The pride of their family. 

I think its totally okay for someone to choose their family over a career. A house wife should be equal to a working women. You cannot choose to stay at home because it will be looked upon as a negative thing and people will think that you are weak and dependent on a man. this results in  you hiring  a maid to look after and clean your house so you can go find a job to show people that you are totally independent. Why would you want to hire a female maid to clean and look after your home ( your house that provides you shelter , comfort and is a happy bonding place for you and your family) when you, yourself refuse to do it becuase its degrading your selfworth? because you are paying her? So if you were paid too, to clean your house you would do it? or is feminism only for women of higher class in society who can afford it?

We arent equal but we need them to acknowledge that we are same in ways that make us different. What we do is as important as what men do. No one needs to put down women for what they do or call them weak because we have our strengths as they have theirs.

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