Friday, 1 July 2016

An open letter to my " Best friend"

every situation good or bad you gain something be it in the form of strength,knowledge , lesson or a person. And just like that saying , from a disastraous situation I got you. Its not very common that someone who hates you , over time develops into a person you venerate more than your life. 4 years ago if someone told me that this would happen I would have straight up hysterically laughed at their face and told them they were mad. But one thing I forgot is that life is mad ( or maybe its just karma showing you dont make fun of people, you might end up making them your best friend in the future. take note). To others we may look like we are best friends. But not to me. To me this is just a label that has been over used in todays society where people give it to anybody in a short matter of time and frankly speaking that label doesnt do justice to what you are for me. Ofcourse no friendship is perfect and there are days where we fight constantly and hate each other , dont get one another , or  just sit and wonder how the hell did I put up with this person for 4 years. If someone were to ask me to describe my love for you they might as well have asked what water tastes like. So I would tell them to imagine living in the absence of it. you can go by without it for a day or so or maybe even survive without it for a week or two. But slowly and gradually with each passing day your body will start to wither and shirvel away. And so the idea of living without water is equavelant to you not being a part of my life - impossible ( even though you are piece of shit). In the past as much as I refused to belive it , the company you keep does have an impact and influence on your choices and I am lucky that you got to impact mine. So thankyou for saving me from taking stupid descions and trying out insane ideas which I would deeply regret later , even though you become a buzz kill in the process. There are people in my life who I would speak a thousand sentences to but they would still not get me. And then there is you who will understand me ,  without me uttering a word. So thankyou for being there , thankyou for cleaning up other people's mess in my life, thankyou for telling me the truth even when I got mad and didnt want to hear it , thankyou for putting up with my out of controll mood swings. Thankyou for staying there when I made you feel like crap. For a long time I wasnt sure what I wanted or who I needed to be , But I found you and you made me feel beautiful and save and happy. And for I long time I know you were hurt and broken and damaged but you found me and I hope you realise that you are loved and needed and for a long time now we have things to see , dreams to acomplish , lessons to learn and for our selves to grow and I hope we can do that together. I love you.

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